Cycling Weekly article
Club Life – featuring Penge Cycle Club “Many clubs say they want to expand their female membership, but some have far greater success than others. Amy Sedghi finds out how these clubs get it so right”. BY AMY SEDGHI PUBLISHED MARCH 12, 2022Image credit: Alessandra Bucci for Future. “With 28% of the club’s membership identifying as female,
Interview with Frances Bonikowski

How long have you been cycling and when did you join Penge CC? I started cycling when I was 30 and (following a pattern that I’m sure is familiar to many of you) realised it was time to grow up a bit and start doing some exercise. I borrowed a ludicrously heavy mountain bike which
Interview with Hugh Stultz
Once upon a time I considered joining a cycling club, so I joined Penge and cycled happily ever after. Obviously, this is the corniest way to speak about why I joined Penge but the fairy tale motif encapsulates the truth. Over six years ago I remember going on my first ride. I remember climbing “Hogstrough”
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 51, 19 March 2021
Just for a moment, I contemplated altering the title of this email, but maybe next week. We are stlll not supposed to ride in groups of more than 2, but plans are now advanced for our return to more normal outdoor club activities. Next week, I will set out how we plan to re-start group
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 50, 12 March 2021
I said a while ago that I planned to resurrect the innovation from Lockdown 1 for these Friday emails of asking others to contribute. You’ve all been very polite about how much you enjoy reading these updates, but luckily for you my riding buddy is not so polite and reminded me that it would be nice
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 44, 29 January 2021
There is a guy who used to live opposite us in West Norwood. He must have moved out at least 12 years ago, but every time I saw him, he was ridiculously cheerful. And every time, he’d comment on the weather. ‘Hey, it’s cold today. Maybe it will be better tomorrow.’ ‘Lovely weather eh? All
Whether to Ride in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 42, 13 January 2021
[Editor’s note: This newsletter was sent on a Wednesday rather than the customary Friday. London remains in Tier 4 and therefore our weekend group rides are still cancelled.] It’s been a while since I last wrote a Friday email and I apologise. Like most of us, I’m just hunkered down and keeping going the best I
Tiered Lockdown to Resume Week 36, 27th November 2020
Back in the game. It shows how far we’ve come this year that we all breathe a sigh of relief that we are once again allowed to ride in groups of 6 from next week. It appears that, for now at least, we will be pretty much back to the conditions and restrictions we had before
Lockdown Week 13, 19th June 2020
Just when you were beginning to think it would never end – it seems we may be able to re-introduce group rides. We were told we would have 2 weeks warning of group activities being back on – but in the event we’ve just had 1 day. We had a really good look at whether
Lockdown Week 12, 12th June 2020
Doesn’t seem to be getting any easier does it. I’ve tried to keep tabs on what we are and aren’t supposed to do in terms of meeting up with other people, but that does mean watching the news and I’m afraid I can only cope with so much. It feels to me as if we’re