Tier 4 Christmas Lockdown Week 40, 25th December 2020
[Editor’s note: London entered Tier 4 lockdown. All our group rides were therefore cancelled.]
Tiered Lockdown Week 39, 18th December 2020
At least this year has been consistent. Pretty much every plan we have made has gone down the toilet. Back into semi-lockdown as we plunge into Tier 3. Thankfully, we can ride in groups of 6 with the same restrictions on stopping and so on as we had in Tier 2. All is not lost.
Tiered Lockdown Week 38, 11th December 2020
I have a new, more Zen approach to life and Covid now. As those who ride with me will attest, I have been becoming more and more frustrated and angry about the virus, how we are dealing with it and how it has wrecked 2020 and shows no signs yet of being much kinder in
Tiered Lockdown Week 37, 4th December 2020
It feels good to be writing an email about group rides again. Lockdown 2.0, for all that it’s been a fairly ‘lite’ version, has been a particularly dispiriting time for many people. A mix of shorter days, worse weather and the continuing torrent of depressing news stories hasn’t helped. For many, myself included, cycling has
Tiered Lockdown to Resume Week 36, 27th November 2020
Back in the game. It shows how far we’ve come this year that we all breathe a sigh of relief that we are once again allowed to ride in groups of 6 from next week. It appears that, for now at least, we will be pretty much back to the conditions and restrictions we had before
Lockdown Resumes Week 35, 20th November 2020
[Editor’s note: There were no group activities during this week. Please refer to our Week 33 entry for further information.]
Lockdown Resumes Week 34, 13th November 2020
[Editor’s note: There were no group activities during this week. Please refer to our Week 33 entry for further information.]
Lockdown Resumes Week 33, 5th November 2020
It’s tough to put a positive spin on the prospect of another national lockdown, but as a fully paid up member of the glass-half-full club, I’m going to give it a go. It’s only 4 weeks. Yes, the government has left the door open for extending it if necessary, if only so we can be
Tiered Lockdown Week 32, 30th October 2020
It was great to see so many of you at the AGM this week, albeit online. With all the practice we’ve had this year on conference calls, it all seemed to go pretty well too. The big focus was, naturally, on the design of the new kit. It’s great to have something exciting to do
Tiered Lockdown Week 31, 23rd October 2020
It’s just a short time now until the big election then. I don’t mean the vote to choose the least appropriate leader of the free world there’s ever been – I mean the keenly awaited vote for our organising committee at the AGM. We’ll put out the full agenda shortly, but remember we plan to