Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 51, 19 March 2021
Just for a moment, I contemplated altering the title of this email, but maybe next week. We are stlll not supposed to ride in groups of more than 2, but plans are now advanced for our return to more normal outdoor club activities. Next week, I will set out how we plan to re-start group
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 50, 12 March 2021
I said a while ago that I planned to resurrect the innovation from Lockdown 1 for these Friday emails of asking others to contribute. You’ve all been very polite about how much you enjoy reading these updates, but luckily for you my riding buddy is not so polite and reminded me that it would be nice
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 49, 5 March 2021
I’ve never been shy of shedding the odd tear. Find me at the end of a punishing ride and you’ll witness an upper lip that is by no means stiff. Eye-dust has often come my way. This week I stumbled upon a story that was both literal and a great metaphor for where we are
Tier 4 Lockdown Week 48, 25 February 2021
I allowed the hope to creep in. I always do it, however much I try to discipline myself and prepare for the worst. I really thought we’d be out in groups of 6 from early March and frankly, by now, I think a good proportion of the country is looking at the harm wrought by
Tier 4 Lockdown Week 47, 19 February 2021
Remember I said we’d take this a week at a time; not get too far ahead of ourselves and start thinking about getting back to group riding. I meant it too, it’s just that at some point we have to start planning ahead. The smart money is on schools going back from 8th March. Call
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 46, 12 February 2021
Funny week last week. I usually bang out these emails and if one or two people comment on them, it’s usually because I have said something insensitive or dumb. In the last 3 weeks I have had many people reply to me and we’ve even sparked off a couple of Facebook chats. I’m self-aware enough
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 45, 5 February 2021
I thought we might delve into some ethical philosophy this week. It’s perhaps a bit controversial, so I apologise if anyone is offended, but I tend to believe we should face difficult issues with intelligent open-mindedness rather than hide from them. The 21st Century is throwing us so many complex moral and ethical issues and
Club Activities in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 44, 29 January 2021
There is a guy who used to live opposite us in West Norwood. He must have moved out at least 12 years ago, but every time I saw him, he was ridiculously cheerful. And every time, he’d comment on the weather. ‘Hey, it’s cold today. Maybe it will be better tomorrow.’ ‘Lovely weather eh? All
Tier 4 Lockdown Week 43, 22 January 2021
[Editor’s note: No news was published during this week. All our group rides remain cancelled due to lockdown restrictions.]
Whether to Ride in Tier 4 Lockdown Week 42, 13 January 2021
[Editor’s note: This newsletter was sent on a Wednesday rather than the customary Friday. London remains in Tier 4 and therefore our weekend group rides are still cancelled.] It’s been a while since I last wrote a Friday email and I apologise. Like most of us, I’m just hunkered down and keeping going the best I