Ride London 100 Club Challenge
Please email me at johnlhaile@gmail.com by Saturday 15th March if you would like to apply for a place on a Penge CC team in the Ride London 100 on 10th August. You must be a current member of Penge CC and British Cycling. I will apply for as many teams of 4 riders as needed
Free Adult and Family Cycle Training
Free adult and family cycle training offered by Bromley. Click for more info.
Penge CC Monday Night Turbo Training……….. is back
Venue….. Penge Congregational Church, 172 High Street, Penge, London, SE20 7QS Ring the No.1 Bell Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Our plan is to run 2 sessions per night. One aimed at our older Go Ride riders, family members and beginners from 7:00 ‘ish. Then a second longer session from 7:50 (for 50 mins to an hour), which
Kids Go-Ride Family Session – Sat 15th Feb.
Kids Go-Ride Family Session is this Sat 15th Feb. We will meet at Cator Park – on tarmacked area by the brook, top end towards Lennard Road – from 10am and leave at 10.15am. (There will be no Go-Ride session at Alexandra Junior School). We will be riding along the Cycle Route 21. The kids
Kids Go-Ride Races – 1st Feb – Round 3.
Well done to all who raced last Saturday at the Bromley Go-Ride Racing League Round 3 at Hayes Primary School. We had a great ‘Monaco street style’ circuit on tarmac. Unfortunately the weather was certainly not in our favour tackling rain and freezing winds. All results are now posted at http://bromleyracing.goride.org.uk/news/round-3-results-2013-4/.
Winter Sunday Morning Rides
We are continuing our adult Sunday morning rides throughout the winter. However, fewer people tend to ride at this time of year through the cold, wind, rain, muck and snow. We recommend that you check posts on the Penge CC facebook page to find ride details before setting out. Penge CC Facebook Page Our Sunday