Event Date: Saturday 7 March 2020
Sessions are at Alexandra Junior School on Cator Road, Sydenham. Registration starts at 10am (with sessions starting 10.15am) and running till 12pm.
Please check the weather forecast and wear suitable clothing for the session – including cycling mitts/gloves, helmet – and bring a drink and snack.
(We have a tuck shop with snacks for sale at 50p at break time).
Subs are £3 for members and £5 for non-members for the session. Free for first timers.
These sessions at the school have 4 coached groups on the tarmac and on the grass – which include a group for beginners if we have enough beginner riders.
New Riders
If you are new to the sessions a parental consent form will need to be completed. You can do this now (print out, fill in and bring along to save time at registration) or you can fill in when you come along. The same form can be used for more than one child if you wish and the form is 2 pages long – BC Parental Consent HSBC
For any more info contact Louisa – pengecc@gmail.com.