Event Date: Saturday 21 January 2023
Event closed for entries.Sessions run most Saturdays, 10am to 11.45am. Meet at the top main car park on Dolphin Terrace, London SE19 2GA. (Car park entrance is off Anerley Hill).
These sessions are for riders aged 5-16 who are competent enough to ride a bike unaided by themselves. They are not suitable for riders who cannot ride a bike. The sessions provide a fun and safe way to introduce young riders to the world of cycle sport and provides a platform to improve bike-handling skills through a mixture of games, exercises and races.
You'll need a helmet, a bike in decent working order, gloves, and remember to bring water and a snack.
Our groups - Penguins, Pirates, and Peloton ? have a maximum of 10 riders per group. You must stay in your allocated group for the entire session ? no changing around is allowed. When booking you need to book the same group as you were in the previous session until your coach suggests for you to move groups. All newcomers, if unsure of their group, should email Elisabetta - goride@pengecc.org
Penguins is designed for beginners who can ride in a straight line (10 metres minimum) unaided and come to a controlled halt using their brakes. They can ride in clockwise and anticlockwise circles, also unaided. The aim of this group is to build on these basic skills and add other essential techniques through a series of fun drills and games to make them confident bike handlers, giving them a solid foundation to progress on to the next level.
Pirates is a fun session aimed at young riders who are keen to advance their riding ability and learn new skills. The sessions will work on skills including balance, bike handling, and group riding techniques, with fun activities, races, and games. This group isn't for beginners and riders should already be confident on their bikes and be comfortable participating in group activities.
Peloton is a session for riders who have already demonstrated confidence in games and group activities, and want to take it to the next level. We introduce riders to more advanced skills and trickier terrain and talk about how to apply our skills to races. Riders will get the most out of this group if they are enthusiastic about riding their bikes between Go-Ride sessions and are interested in trying some bike racing. We really hope riders in this group will join the Penge CC team and ride in some local races.
New riders
New riders are welcome to try us out before joining the club. You can come along for up to 3 sessions with us before we'll ask you to join as a member. Membership is £15 per year.
Booking and payment beforehand is now required
Booking opens Tuesdays 4pm and closes Fridays at 5pm.
Session subs are £3 per youth rider (£3.50 including RiderHQ booking fee).
Accredited club helpers only pay £1 per youth rider (£1.50 including RiderHQ booking fee), on the sessions they help out at.
Spaces are limited - if you have not booked, please do not turn up on the day as unfortunately you will not be allowed to take part.
If you are unable to attend you must cancel your place so it becomes available for another rider on the waiting list.
Your payment will be refunded minus the RiderHQ booking fee
If you wish to cancel your place, this Facebook message explains how to remove yourself on RiderHQ.
For any further information email Elisabetta - goride@pengecc.org