Sunday 24 March ? Training Session (steady, steady plus, short 1, and long 1)

Event Date: Sunday 24 March 2024

Event closed for entries.

Join your riding buddies for croissants, coffee and a two-hour training session at Herne Hill
Velodrome. The training session will focus on bike handling and group riding skills and will
be a great opportunity for riders to improve their skills with their groups in time for
spring/summer 2024. All sessions will be coached by qualified club coaches.

Croissants and coffee will be available from 10:30, and the training session will start
promptly at 11:00. The costs of these sessions (and snacks!) will be covered by Penge CC.

This session is aimed at riders who usually ride with steady, steady plus, short 1, long 1
and will be coached on the flat inner track at Herne Hill Velodrome. (If you would prefer to
attend a session on the banked track, please sign up for the session on 3/17 March.)

If you can't attend on this date, please feel free to sign up for one of the other sessions ? the
aim of the groupings is to configure things so that riders who ride together on the road also
train together, but it is not essential to attend with your group.

We will be using our own bikes on the track, not track bikes. Please ensure your bike is in
good working order and that you bring gloves and a helmet.

Sign-up for a short Sunday ride before the training session will go live as normal (separate
sign up required) but please note that Sunday rides for steady, steady plus, short 1, long 1
on this date will all be ?short? (35/40 miles) and end at the Velodrome. 

The aim is to arrive at the Velodrome around 10:30 for the session at 11:00.