An interview with Winston, SE20 Cycles by David Ward.
In an age where the vast majority of our high streets have been transformed into spaces that have become brightly lit bill boards for corporate Britain, you would be hard pushed not to find the presence of a Greggs, a Boots or a Carphone Warehouse residing on any of them. So it is still surprising
“The cyclist versus motorist debate” by James Hanscomb
The cyclist versus motorist debate Recently there was a lively and refreshingly clean debate on the Penge Tourist Board Facebook page about cycling, just as there are often articles in local and national papers about the ongoing battle for supremacy on the roads, particularly in the crowded streets of London. To try to take the
“My bike changed my life” – by Niki Wilson
We’re so pleased with Niki’s achievements and experiences with cycling and joining our club. Please read this great blog that she has written – My bike changed my life.
Penge CC Time Trial – Sunday 8th May results
Congratulations to everyone who rode or helped make it happen Apologies for missing 2nd places in BOTH the men’s and women’s times! Now fixed. You can check the times below – and let us know about any glaring errors. After September there will be prizes in the pub for fastest, most improved, best youth and
Youth BGRRL Round 5 results from Sunday 15th May
Well done to all those who raced on Sunday. Results for Round 5 click here. League results click here. Team competition results click here.
Crystal Palace Crits – Tuesday nights – youth and adults.
Crystal Palace Crits – Tuesday nights – youth and adults – for info click here.